Willow Bark


Willow Bark from Back Zoo Nature is the ideal choice to naturally enrich your pets' enclosure and stimulate their foraging behavior. Our dried pieces of willow offer multiple benefits for your pets.

  • Natural habitat: Use willow bark as topping on the bedding to create a natural environment. This helps your pets feel at home and promotes their natural behavior.

  • Foraging behavior: By adding Willow Bark to bedding, you encourage active foraging behavior. Mimicking their instinct to forage for food is essential for both their physical and mental well-being.

  • 100% Natural: Our bark is all-natural and free of additives or chemicals, making it a safe choice for your pets.

In nature, birds, rabbits and rodents like to pick loose bark from trees to gnaw and play with. With Willow Bark from Back Zoo Nature, your animals can mimic this natural behavior in their enclosure.

Think Like Nature: With our Discovery Bedding line, you create an environment in which your pets can exhibit natural behaviors similar to their lives in the wild. In the wild, animals spend a lot of time searching for food, an activity that is essential not only for their survival, but also for their overall well-being and happiness. By using our Discovery Bedding, you encourage these natural instincts, resulting in a more active and happier life for your pets.

Article code: ZF4493
Ean Number: 8784251814884
Product line: Discovery Bedding
Weight: approx. 100 grams
Material: Willow
Suitable for: Birds, Rodents, Rabbits and Reptiles
Natural product: Due to their natural origin, pieces of willow may vary in color, size and shape.

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